Q & A

IS A HOME BAKING BUSINESS A GOOD INVESTMENT? Any business person will tell you that the way to judge an investment is "Risk vs Reward". That is, how much are you risking compared to the amount you can possibly make? Simply Cupcakes has trained over 480 locations worldwide and the training will cost you $76. There are no franchise fees nor are there any royalties. You are paying for the Simply Cupcakes training, marketing, recipes, support and much more. So the "Risk" is $98 but the reward is only limited by the amount of time and work you put into your new business. You can do it full or part time. The average cost of baking a cupcake is $.50 and the average selling price is $3. So you can see there is a huge profit margin. Simple math shows that you have to sell only 4 dozen cupcakes to recover your investment. You can probably do that with people you already know. Everything after that is profit. You can earn while you learn!

HOW MANY LOCATIONS HAVE BEEN TRAINED? In less than 13 years we have trained (or are in the process of training) 480 locations from California to Puerto Rico....Central America , Canada, Britain & Greece. Some were trained in Naples, Fl. but most used the Distance Learning. Some operate an online cupcakery from their homes and others have opened stores.

IS THIS A FRANCHISE? No, it is not a franchise. Simply Cupcakes offers many of the same benefits of a franchise but without the costs or restrictions. After the training, there are no ongoing fees or royalties. You are in business for yourself but not by yourself. You can add or eliminate any recipes and you do not have to purchase supplies from any company we suggest.

DO I HAVE TO SELL JUST CUPCAKES? No....you can add other baked goods such as cakes, pies, cookies etc. using your favorite recipes or variations of our cupcake recipes. We have found that is easier to build a customer base starting with cupcakes. Customers are more likely to order cakes or baked goods for a party or special occasion if they have tried and enjoyed your cupcakes.

HOW DO I QUALIFY?​If you have basic baking skills & a desire to start your own home baking business, you will be successful with our help. You DO NOT need cake decorating experience. You only have to pipe the buttercream which just takes practice.

WHAT SPECIAL EQUIPMENT WILL I NEED ?There is no special equipment needed other than what you would normally use to bake. You will need a KitchenAid-type mixer and a stove. A convection oven is not required to start.

MY STATE DOES NOT ALLOW BAKING IN THE HOME FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES. That's true in many states and we have the same problem here in Florida, but we figured out how to handle it and actually did it ourselves for 2 years prior to opening our first store. Our training explains in detail what you have to do to overcome this problem. All 50 states have now adopted Cottage Laws which allows you to bake in your home.

DOES SIMPLY CUPCAKES HELP WITH MARKETING? Simply Cupcakes has developed a Marketing Plan that we will teach you that doesn't require paying for advertising or selling. It worked for us and it will work for you! 

CAN I START THIS BUSINESS WITHOUT LEAVING MY PRESENT JOB ? This program was designed for people who might want to start out slow. You will open an online cupcakery and bake for orders as you receive them. This can be done part time until you build up your customer base. You probably will also want to sell at a Farmer's Market on the weekends eventually. We did not open a store for 2 years until we had a large customer base.

WHY ISN'T IT MORE EXPENSIVE? When we started our training program, it was to help as many people as possible realize their dream of owning a cupcake business. Even though franchises or other business opportunities are thousands of dollars more, we wanted our program to be financially within reach of anyone who has a desire and dream to own their own baking business.